
Sunday, June 10, 2012


From the best source ever
This week, I'm hopping into my barouche and hitting the road. Unfortunately, this means I'll have to postpone the Decade Wednesday post on 1810-1820 until next week. In lieu of Decade Wednesday, here are a few gifts from around the internet:

My new obsession, Sense and Sensibility: The Musical. I love "If I Could," a clever, beautiful duet between Elinor and Edward.

It's not exactly polite or ladylike, but this database of Victorian crimes and criminals never ceases to entertain my macabre, Dickens-loving side.

I love looking through pictures of The Gatsby Summer Afternoon, an annual 1920's themed picnic held by the Art Deco Society of California. I want to go!

I can't stop watching this hilarious Jane Austen parody of the Old Spice Commercial. It's made even better after watching Job Hunters, a web series in which dear Mr. Tilney plays an unexpectedly lovable serial killer.

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I was going to type something clever, but my cat provided this triumph of literature. Thank you for commenting! Just keep it clean, on-topic, and respectful.